Digital Futures
Title: Digital Futures
Number: 2023-3-CY02-KA210-YOU-000172933
Dates: 01/05/2024 - 31/10/2025
Main aim: to enhance digital literacy and online career skills for young Europeans.
To foster cross-cultural understanding and cooperation among youth workers from Lithuania, Greece, Romania and Cyprus to create a guide with best practices of each partner and a list of tools.
To provide 32 young people with the digital literacy skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in online careers during 4 international educational workshops.
Disseminating the project and its outcomes and outputs through multiplier events in each partner country and per partner country reaching at least 30 young people who are not directly involved in the project.
Kick-off meeting in Cyprus with an international educational workshop of the best practice on cyber safety.
2nd meeting in Lithuania with an international educational workshop of the best practice about digital storytelling.
Midterm meeting ONLINE.
3nd meeting in Romania with an international educational workshop of the best practice about media education.
Creation of a guide with best practices of each partner and a list of tools.
The final meeting in Greece with an international educational workshop of the best practice about creative economy.
Dissemination, multiplier events in each partner country and peer-to-peer activities
Expected Results:
Enhanced cross-cultural understanding and cooperation among youth workers from 4 different European countries for the creation of a guide with best practices of each partner and a list of tools
Cyprus will share their possessed knowledge about cyber security and cyber safety.
Lithuania will share their possessed knowledge digital reading and digital storytelling.
Romania will share their possessed knowledge about media education, inclusive and entrepreneurial education.
Greece will share their possessed knowledge about online entrepreneurship, social economy, and creative economy.
Enhanced digital literacy and online career skills among 32 young people participating in 4 international educational workshops on each partner‘s best practice in all partner countries
Increased awareness and understanding of online career opportunities among 120 young people from all partner countries participating in the multiplier events in Cyprus, Romania, Lithuania and Greece.
This project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program, supporting education, training, youth, and sports initiatives across Europe.